Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Chris Cole castiga "BATB2"

The Battle of The Berrics 2 ne-a infatisat o serie de proskateri dintre cei mai buni. Recent a avut loc finala din care invingator a iesit nimeni altul decat Chris Cole, dupa un "meci" de trickuri monumental alaturi de proskaterul Nike SB - Paul Rodriguez aka P-Rod. Evident ca ambii skateri sunt apreciati pentru skilluri si stil ceea ce cu siguranta a pus o presiune distincta pe decizia finala. Cel mai important: meciul s-a dovedit un adevarat spectacol demn de aplauzele noastre.

The Battle of The Berrics 2 featured some of the best of the best proskaters. The finals recently took place and the champion is no other than Chris Cole, who won against Nike SB's pro skater, Paul Rodriguez aka P-Rod. Both of them are highly respected and apreciated for their skills and style which I'm sure made it harder for the final decision. However, the final battle was such a great game I'm sure it pleased everybody and gave us on top of it another chance to run some well desurved aplauses.