Tuesday, December 15, 2009

[watch] DJ Rafik Performimg on Traktor Scratch Pro

from Native Instruments(youtube), via, via

Pot spune ca sunt impresionata -din nou- probabil ca si voi. O mana sus pentru Rafik. Sprijinit de Carhartt, Rafik pune esenta in dimensiunea DJ-ingului pregatindu-ne pentru standardele noiii ere tehnologice.
Dupa cum stim Panasonic Corp va inceta productia pentru Technics SL-1200/1210 marcand sfarsitul unei era generand totodata o noua abordare fata de viitor vs tehnologie vs arta performingului. "Scoala muzicii electronice si a echipamentului" asa cum le stim vor suferi modificari esentiale iar misiunea de mesageri ai schimbarii le revine labelurilor, producatorilor si djilor de top, printre altii. Acum sa-l urmarim pe Rafik. Enjoy!

I can only say I'm impressed-again-; probably aswell as every viewer right now. So Hands Up for Rafik! Also supported by Carhartt, Rafik trully puts essence into the word DJ preparing us for the next era highest standards.
As we know it, Panasonic Corp. will cease the production of Technics SL-1200/1210 pretty much marking the end of an era by generating a new aproach regarding the future vs technology vs the art of performing. The school of electronic music and gear may suffer extreme changes and the top leading brands, performers, djs and producers are the first messengers of the Change.
Now lets put an ear on the sounds of Rafik. Enjoy!
