Wednesday, December 30, 2009

[did you know] CHRISTMAS

Intervention 3D from Grace Bible Church on Vimeo.

did you guys finally find out why exactly we celebrate Christmas?
1. could be because Santa's still cool rather than overrated Jesus?
2. is this our way of sayin 'thanks' to all these celebrations busting their arses to bring us punks all together?(because, you know, first we ran around the tree with a bat, next we learned there's more about man x woman, and now we actually give out presents! thing we know, in a century or two we will get to love eachther for real!..and in a civilization or two we will actually learn to just apreciate&love everything!).
3. we just long for a "feel alone right now" situation.
4. the trafic, the food, the discounts, the free days at work, the hoe hoe thing, the latex in front of a fireplace.
5a. its just a reflection of what we are now and of our understanding.
5b. I really don't care.

now lets see what hapens in 50 yrs from now..meanwhile, I ran into this 3D video for a legend that sels.

from: think outside the box series