Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[interview/shops] LimitedHype: An Interview with Colette.fr

Limited Hype intervieveaza Colette, Paris

LH: In a relatively short time, about 10 years, you have become one of the most prolific shops in the world. What was the goal and motivation of Colette back when you first started?

colette: When colette opened 12 years ago, the idea was to fulfill three levels, what we like, in different kind of domains, culture and microcosms and to propose products that you could not find in Paris or at least, not everywhere..if you see what I mean. And believe me, the goal and the motivation is still the same!

Mare lucru pentru un magazin european sa dobandeasca notorietate internationala. Urmariti cum un shop devine un brand in sine "Serving as an international hub of pop culture, rare, specialized fashion, design and exhibitions, colette has since become a brand in itself." Citi mai multe via Limitedhype.com.