Sunday, November 22, 2009

[magazine] Rugged Magazine - "The party is over, you Suckers"

Rugged Magazine a ajuns la ultimul numar
Issue #19 - Winter 2009
last issue ever of a "magazine for the the last and the few"

"Okay, we've got some bad news for you, girls and boys. The very edition you're looking at right now is the last of its kind. RUGGED magazine, in this shape and form, will cease to exist. After seven ears, your friendly neighbourhood journal is taking its leave from the newsstands.... So make sure you get this one!"

Fiind ultimul numar al revistei distribuite gratuit, Rugged [by Carhartt], grabiti-va sa vi-l luati din magazinele Carhartt sau de la comerciantii autorizati de Carhartt precum Ollie Gang Shop din Bucuresti.