Thursday, September 03, 2009

[books] ED TEMPLETON | Coming To Grips

carte: ED TEMPLETON | Coming To Grips

Pro skater, artist si "patron", Ed Templeton a supravegheat cultura skateboardingului din aproape captand fotografic si ilustrand momente unice in diverse lucrari[o vedere mai completa via wiki/Ed_Templeton].
Cea mai noua carte a lui Ed Templeton, Coming to Grips s-a nascut ca o selectie din seria "Wires Crossed", un documentar fotografic ai ultimilor 15 ani care s-au derulat inaintea ochilor artistului californian. Cartea o puteti achizitiona via Colette.

[ca o mica paranteza: "Ed has been a vegan since 1990/91[2]stating "Once you read about the meat and dairy industry and the things they do, it is hard to keep supporting them. I didn't want to partake in the killing of animals or spend my money on the whole system." He is an advocate for animal rights." via wikipedia. - hi5 pentru asta! chiar mai sunt oameni care inteleg the drill..]