o mega noapte de gabber, industrial hardcore, darkcore,
classics & oldschool cu NOIZE SUPRESSOR & NEGATIVE A!
Noize Supressor (Masters Of Hardcore) (Italy) -> Style: darkcore, hardcore, industrial hardcore
::Bio:: Noize Suppressor: who doesn’t know these legendary guys? These two Italian hardcore junkies also known as Alessandro Dilillo (DJ Bike) and Stefano Soprani (DJ Dek) had always loved the hard sounds.
Bike, the producer behind Noize Suppressor and the label Noize records, started to play in 1988. He bought a Roland TR-909 and a Roland TB-303 and experimented with these devices. After a couple of years he sent different demo’s to record labels. Someone noticed the talent in an early stage: he got offered a contract by Digital Boy from the infamous Italian label D-boy Records. In 1996, Bike finally got his first release, which featured the key to his later success: one of the tracks on the EP contained a distortion from a very special guitar: the Noise Suppressor. A new name was born...
After collaborating for five years with A.C., Alessandro moved from the Italian capital Rome to party-city Rimini. From that moment on, Bike joined forces with Rudy B, who was also called ‘the scratchmaster of Noize Suppressor’. But Alessandro was not just a producer like everyone else: he also started organising big parties together with Digital Boy in the Rimini-based club Gheodrome. In this way, Alessandro got credits for keeping the Italian hardcorescene alive in many ways.
In 2004, Bike teamed up with DJ Dek, after Rudy decided to stop his music career.
Also in this period Noize Suppressor scored some of the biggest hits of the last years: “Bonecrusher”, “Wash Machine” and the major remix of Darkraver and Dj Vince’s “Thunderground” all turned out to be massive dancefloor-smashers. In 2006, the highly-rated second album “Hardcore Junky” was dropped.
Also, Bike started his own label: Noize Records. It turned out to be very successfull after five vinyl-releases and a Noize Suppressor album.
Their popularity went skyhigh due to their energetic live-performances. Both Alessandro and Stefano lose control when they start playing and keep pushing the boundaries of their gear to the limit. Noize Suppressor has crushed every imaginable hardcore-stage: Masters of Hardcore, Thunderdome, Mystery Land and Dominator are just a few examples of parties that were lifted to a higher level due to the unlimited energy of these Italian madmen.
Negative A (Dna Records, Megarave) (NL) -> Style: classics, hardcore, industrial hardcore, oldschool
::Bio:: Negative A. Dark, negative and antisocial. This is a mystery. Industrial has a new name and a new sound. This wave of the future is called DNA. One of the original hosts of this label is called Negative A. Togheter With E-Noid he is responsible for creating a new sound. This sound is best described as the sound of Doom and Judgement and freakish torture music to stomp you feet upon. This is Negative A! More than simply an industrial type, he seems perfectly in place, almost part of the dark environment created by his music. As one of the leading producers of the DNA label he is now nown for his phat productions and revolutionary creative ideas moulded into his special sound of Negative A. Too hard for some....brilliant to many...
Aggressive and underground, they are on a crusade to keep the core
hard and believe me - they will. Only, they won't take no prisoners..
Suport local oferit de Spookane+CoreCorp+Dropdread[mai mult la microfon].
Entrance is 25ron, something to rockon..headbang and \m/ show off ur anachique style. make sure you dont miss it
Flyer Event
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Labels: Dropdread prezinta
Posted by Dropdread aka Silvia Black at 4:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Loud Department prezinta THE INFERNAL SOUNDMACHINE at Fabrica
Sambata, 19 iulie DROPDREAD (visuals by Mister X & Uppercut)
Nota informativa:
THE INFERNAL SOUNDMACHINE este un mic proiect initiat de Loud Department cu sprijinul Club Fabrica.Acesta se va desfasura in perioada verii,intr-una din zilele de weekend.Vom avea invitati care vor acoperi tot spectrul muzicii electronice.In episodul numarul 2,cel de sambata 19 iulie,Dropdread promite un mic review muzical a primei jumatati a acestui an.Vom reveni cu detalii,poze si alte informatii la fiecare party.Asadar,daca nu plecati la mare,va asteptam in weekend la Fabrica pentru a pune cu totii in miscare THE INFERNAL SOUNDMACHINE!!!>>> [ by Amon / Loud Department]
Party on!
Labels: City Police
Posted by Dropdread aka Silvia Black at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
n sfarsit, out!
To The Edge Of Reason LP [Tech Freak Recordings] featuring The Panacea, Dylan si The Sect
Dupa ce l-am avut ca invitat in cadrul Therapy Sessions Bucharest[8 martie / moment marcat pentru 2008] avem ocazia de a intra din nou in contact cu Audio[Freak/Tech Freak/Habit/Subtitles/UK]..sum heavy sound rain of bassline drops over thurst-twisted ears.
Fresh si la obiect, Audio isi mentine soundul; aceeasi amprenta, acelasi coeficient de impact.
Desi LP-ul este mult asteptat de la inceputul anului si ar fi trebuit sa isi faca releasul in mai, iata ca abia acum putem pune urechea pe el. Intr-adevar as fi vrut sa ma zgaraie cu un soi de noutate exclusiva celulele de vinil, cel putin echivalent memorabil pe plan conceptual avand in vedere "Designed for War", "Warehouse/Destroyed" [ale caror ecouri nu s-au diminuat cu timpul, ba chiar le regasesc inca in seturile multor dj], insa nici soundul noului album nu ma dezamageste. Evident un album presupune multa munca, mai ales cand in ecuatie avem coeficienti cu seriozitate in ceea ce priveste nivelul Audio vs Tech Freak, asa ca trecem cu vederea intarzierea.. a meritat. Compozitia mai pune sub lumina reflectoarelor si 3 dintre numele favorite de pe malul neuro mai intunecat al drumandbassului: The Panacea, Dylan si un mega bonus The Sect de la care iar asteptam o "recidiva" dupa saltul inregistrat anul trecut. Putem bifa in dreptul unui album complet.
Un lucru e cert: ma declar nerabdatoare sa dau play!
Albumul poate fi achizionat on-line, click pentru un preview audio ;)
Mai multe despre Audio, pe myspace!
Labels: New Releases
Posted by Dropdread aka Silvia Black at 10:40 PM 0 comments